Kaolin Clay Facial Bar

Kaolin Clay Facial Bar

Kaolin Clay and Shea Butter Facial Bar 

A self-care staple, clay masks are commonly used to help deep-clean and pamper the skin. No time to stop and apply a mask. Soap and Stuff 2020 formulated a bar that contains all the healthy ingredients of a mask plus a moisturizer. So detoxification can be as quick as washing your face.

"Love your skin "

#Kaolin #kaolinclay #detox #sheabutter #handmadesoaps #Soapandstuff2020 #sensitiveskin #Skincare #SmallBatch #smallbusiness #Facial #detoxification #naturalingredients #mask #facialmask #deepclean #handmadegifts










$28.00 Each

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